Maternity, Mermaids and Me

Hey Jessica Stone Photography Family,  I am finally seeing daylight!  Its been awhile since I have kept you updated on the happenings of Jessica Stone Photography, and  it's been busy, busy around here.  To start with we wrapped our #ProjectBurberry shoot and premiered it this past Sunday.  It was a great success and I can't wait to show it to you tomorrow on the  blog.  This past Saturday I had the privileged to photograph a sweet friend of mine.  She is a fellow photographer who is super talented in her own right.  She is my graphic designer of most of my styled shoots, and we are partners in crime planning more shoots through out the year.  Tricia juggles a million things at one time.  I thought today I would do things a little different and do a Q & A  session with her about her recent Maternity shoot, and of course show off some amazing pictures.   Let me set the stage for Tricia's shoot. 4 days prior to our shoot, Tricia re-injured the ACL in her left leg. She was in a brace, on crutches and  having a tough time of it.  This maternity session was not looking like it was going to be in the cards for us until later in July.  Tricia surprised me by calling me the Wednesday prior, stating she was going thru with the shoot.  Considering the severity of her injury I was shocked she was going to be able to model.  I am telling you all this, because her injury limited what we were going to be able to do, but we were still able to Rock her shoot..  With that knowledge in mind let's talk to Tricia about her Mermaid Inspired Maternity Session. Jess: So Tricia what made you decide to do a Maternity Shoot?

Tricia: I had one with (her son) Rune and very much wanted one with this baby. He will be our last. I never had one with my other two children simply because they really were not around 11 and 14 years ago. I love being pregnant and I feel totally beautiful when I am. Its the most forgiving part of a women’s life sometimes.

Jess:  That's awesome! So tell me, what inspiration did you use to come up with your look?

Tricia: I love the beach. I love the little mermaid. This little guys new room (and his brothers) has a nautical theme. I am always known for my bright red hair so I decided to just use inspiration from the little mermaid. I love starfish and shells so I created the head piece based on those. I wanted to shoot at sunset because I love, love, love the colors it creates. I knew you could combine them all and create exactly what I wanted.

Jess: They were pretty stunning, if I do say so myself :).  Tell me what was your favorite part of the process of the shoot?

Tricia: Honestly just getting to focus and enjoy being pregnant. Keren with MakeupBy MUALLC ( ) rocked my hair and make up also. Though Jess, you guided me into positive thinking of this baby and what our family will be and I think it will show in the photos. It was also somewhat funny since I have been on crutches and ditched them for this shoot!

Jess: It's my job!  You were a rock star doing this shoot with your recent injury.  Hat's off to you for braving the beach and the water to make some amazing pictures! What  tips could you give to someone who is pregnant consider when they are going to have a maternity shoot done?

Tricia: What is important to you? Do you want a intimate home setting with your family? Do you want something soft and sexy ? This shoot I really just wanted to embrace being a women and my changing body. My kids and husband were not with me because they will be in a session later. This is a way to freeze all those warm and fuzzy pregnant moments in time, and really be happy with where you are, stretch marks and all.

Jess: I love how you stated that.  It's something I never really thought about, but after seeing how much fun your  session was, I kinda wish this would have been available when I was pregnant with my children.  Speaking of which, how many children do you have?

Tricia: I have three children. Tess 14, Levi 11 and Rune 4.

Jess: Sweet! I love that your kiddos are old enough to help out with your soon to be newest addition. That is always a plus.  Back to our shoot, tell me about the significance behind the jewelry you wore.

Tricia: My ruby ring has two ruby’s set in it. It is my and my mothers birthstone. She passed away in 2002 from complications from breast cancer. So I like to keep it on as a reminder she is still with me. The bracelet was my grandmothers and is a beautiful vintage piece. I am always terrified to wear it and that i will loose it but I had to get it out for this session as it is inlaid with shells. Its a way to keep the women in my life who were important and no longer here close to me.

Jess: I love that!  It's a great idea to pull out those meaningful pieces and showcase them in your portraits. I also would like to add I totally loved the crown you made fore the shoot!  It was beyond beautiful!  Where did you get your gown?

Tricia: The amazing gown came from silk fairies via etsy.

Jess: Thank you Tricia so much for the inspiration behind your shoot and the story to go with.  I can't wait to see your newest little one!


What I hope you will take from this, is that Pregnancy is beautiful.  It really is, you may not like the weight gain, or the cravings, or the temporary new silhouette, but I promise it's a moment that you will never forget.  I love working with women and helping them see how beautiful they really are.  Maybe it's because I have been you.  Pictures aren't about waiting for the perfect size, or hairstyle, or outfit.  They are so much more than that.  They document a moment.  One that never comes again.  If you are interested in doing a Maternity Session, let me know!  I work with some pretty awesome people that specialize in showing you how amazing you are.  Don't forget tomorrow is the big reveal of #ProjectBurberry! So don't forget to check back to see our newest Stylized Shoot!