" I'm Coming Home"

  This week I witnessed such a beautiful moment.  The return of a Sailor to his beloved.  Sometimes one can take for granted just how hard a deployment can be on the families they leave behind. It's a reminder that we should always be thankful for every moment that we get to spend with our loved ones, and not forget those who have a loved one gone.  These families are made of steel and iron as they carry on without their Soldier, but within sight of their Soldier, they melt.  The thought of not having to do this alone is overwhelming.  The relief of having them back in your arms is overpowering.  My husband has deployed once during our marriage, and may again, I know exactly how my client felt as she watched his ship pull in.  I know how hard it must have been looking for his face as he was mixed with the throng of other Sailors and loved ones.  I know especially how amazing it felt to hug him so tight and not want to let go.  In honor of Veterans Day Monday, thank those that served and that are still serving. If you are friends with a military family, let them know you are thereif their spouse is deployed.  Let us never forget the sacrifices these honorable men and women make every day and have made to ensure we live in the land of the "FREE".  I have been truly blessed.